Nanny used to love telling me the same stories whenever I used to call her ( daily) Me and my sister Lindsey spent a lot of time with Nanny and Aunty Sue in the school holidays.
Ive decided to share some of the stories on here as it has almost been a year since nanny passed away, and I really miss hearing the same stories over and over again. Sometimes I like to try and remember her voice and how our telephone conversation used to go. So in true nanny style I'm going to start each story with how nanny would always answer the phone.
"Hello Darling, now let me turn the tellie down. Right and how are you darling? and how my little poppits?"
"Darling do you remember that time when you and Lindsey where spying on people on Kirkley Cliff?"
Nanny and Aunty Sue used to take me and Lindsey for a picnic on Kirkley Cliff, we would get chips and then Aunty Sue would park up and we would face the see. Nanny and Aunty Sue would watch the boats and know exactly what boat was what. Me and Linny would be really bored and found other ways to amuse ourselves. First we would throw chips on top of the car roof so the sea gules would attack the car, then we would do the same to other cars. Nanny had a pair of binoculars in the car, so my and Linny wound put a towel over our heads and spy on other peoples cars! Nanny and Aunty couldn't understand why so many birds where attacking the car or why people where looking at as. Then they realised what were doing and we would swiftly leave ( still throwing chips on the roof of the car)
Looking back Nanny could laugh at the naughty stuff we used to get upto but at the time she wasn't best pleased.