Lindsey 15th September 2020

Miss you nan. I miss your little face light up whenever you would see us come into your room. And you would always say I could hear those little footprints down the hall. And how Ethan would always make you watch his children’s show and shout nan nan to make sure your watching them. I miss how you used to save sweets or cake from the sweet cart for us and pretend they are for you when really they wasn’t. I miss telling you my funny stories or when things happen to me and you would just sit there and laugh your head off at me and say oh darling. I miss having someone to moan to when Ever I was in a mood or peed of about something. I miss how you used to just sit there and get excited when ever a bird would come up to the window and you would make us all look at it, I miss having to go through your crosswords a thousand time’s showing you the same ones over and over, and finding the right cookery or food one. I miss picking out your outfit for the next day as you always wanted to look your best. I just miss you nan and I know Ethan does aswell. I hope you are around us as you are always in our thoughts. Xxxxx